R:Google Analytics/Параметры и измерения

< R:Google Analytics
Версия от 17:51, 27 апреля 2014; Артём Клевцов (обсуждение | вклад) (Таблица данных)

Ниже приведена таблица со всеми показателями и измерениями в Google Analytics. За основу таблицы взяты данные из официального руководства по API Google Analytics. Данная таблица была получена с помощью следующего R-кода:


<syntaxhighlight lang="r">library(RCurl) library(jsonlite) url <- "https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/metadata/ga/columns?fields=items" id <- fromJSON(getURL(paste0(url, "/id")))$items attrs <- fromJSON(getURL(paste0(url, "/attributes")))$items ga.metadata <- data.frame(id, attrs$attributes)</syntaxhighlight>

Переменная ga.metadata содержит следующую информацию:

  • id - название переменной, которая используется для запросов к API;
  • type - тип переменной: параметр (METRIC) или измерение (DIMENSION);
  • dataType - тип возвращаемого значения: STRING, INTEGER, PERCENT, TIME, CURRENCY, FLOAT;
  • group - группа параметров: User, Session, Traffic Sources, Adwords, Goal Conversions, Platform or Device, Geo Network, System, Social Activities, Page Tracking, Internal Search, Site Speed, App Tracking, Event Tracking, Ecommerce, Social Interactions, User Timings, Exceptions, Content Experiments, Custom Variables or Columns, Time, Audience, Adsense;
  • status - статус переменной: используемый (PUBLIC) или устаревший (DEPRECATED);
  • uiName - название переменной используемое для пользовательских интерфейсов (UI);
  • description - описание переменной.

В качестве примера использования таблицы приведём вывод всех ID параметров (метрик), имеющих актуальный статус (не устаревшие) и относящиеся к группе "User":


<syntaxhighlight lang="r">> subset(ga.metadata, status != "DEPRECATED" & type == "METRIC" & group == "User", id) id 8 ga:users 10 ga:newUsers 12 ga:percentNewSessions</syntaxhighlight>

Подробнее о синтаксисе при работе объектами класса data.table смотрите соответствующую документацию к пакету data.table.

Таблица данных

Нижеприведённая таблица была сгенерирована с помощью следующего кода:


<syntaxhighlight lang="r">wiki.table <- ga.metadata[ga.metadata$status == "PUBLIC", c("group", "uiName", "id", "type", "dataType", "allowedInSegments", "calculation", "description")] wiki.table <- c("{| class=\"wide wikitable sortable\"", "\n", "! ", paste(names(wiki.table), collapse = " !! "), paste("\n|-\n| ", apply(wiki.table, 1, paste, collapse = " || ")), "\n|}") wiki.table <- gsub("NA", "", wiki.table) cat(wiki.table, sep = "")</syntaxhighlight>

group uiName id type dataType allowedInSegments calculation description
User User Type ga:userType DIMENSION STRING true A boolean indicating if a user is new or returning. Possible values: New Visitor, Returning Visitor.
User Count of Sessions ga:sessionCount DIMENSION STRING true The session index for a user to your property. Each session from a unique user will get its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first session. Subsequent sessions do not change previous session indicies. For example, if a certain user has 4 sessions to your website, sessionCount for that user will have 4 distinct values of '1' through '4'.
User Days Since Last Session ga:daysSinceLastSession DIMENSION STRING true The number of days elapsed since users last visited your property. Used to calculate user loyalty.
User User Defined Value ga:userDefinedValue DIMENSION STRING true The value provided when you define custom user segments for your property.
User Users ga:users METRIC INTEGER Total number of users to your property for the requested time period.
User New Users ga:newUsers METRIC INTEGER true The number of users whose session on your property was marked as a first-time session.
User  % New Sessions ga:percentNewSessions METRIC PERCENT ga:newUsers / ga:sessions The percentage of sessions by people who had never visited your property before.
Session Session Duration ga:sessionDurationBucket DIMENSION STRING true The length of a session on your property measured in seconds and reported in second increments. The value returned is a string.
Session Sessions ga:sessions METRIC INTEGER true Counts the total number of sessions.
Session Bounces ga:bounces METRIC INTEGER true The total number of single page (or single engagement hit) sessions for your property.
Session Bounce Rate ga:bounceRate METRIC PERCENT ga:bounces / ga:sessions The percentage of single-page session (i.e., session in which the person left your property from the first page).
Session Session Duration ga:sessionDuration METRIC TIME true The total duration of user sessions represented in total seconds.
Session Avg. Session Duration ga:avgSessionDuration METRIC TIME ga:sessionDuration / ga:sessions The average duration of user sessions represented in total seconds.
Traffic Sources Referral Path ga:referralPath DIMENSION STRING true The path of the referring URL (e.g. document.referrer). If someone places a link to your property on their website, this element contains the path of the page that contains the referring link.
Traffic Sources Full Referrer ga:fullReferrer DIMENSION STRING The full referring URL including the hostname and path.
Traffic Sources Campaign ga:campaign DIMENSION STRING true When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, the name(s) of the online ad campaign that you use for your property. Otherwise the value (not set) is used.
Traffic Sources Source ga:source DIMENSION STRING true The source of referrals to your property. When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_source campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, the value is google. Otherwise the domain of the source referring the user to your property (e.g. document.referrer). The value may also contain a port address. If the user arrived without a referrer, the value is (direct)
Traffic Sources Medium ga:medium DIMENSION STRING true The type of referrals to your property. When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_medium campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, the value is ppc. If the user comes from a search engine detected by Google Analytics, the value is organic. If the referrer is not a search engine, the value is referral. If the users came directly to the property, and document.referrer is empty, the value is (none).
Traffic Sources Source / Medium ga:sourceMedium DIMENSION STRING true Combined values of ga:source and ga:medium.
Traffic Sources Keyword ga:keyword DIMENSION STRING true When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging or if a user used organic search to reach your property, the keywords used by users to reach your property. Otherwise the value is (not set).
Traffic Sources Ad Content ga:adContent DIMENSION STRING true When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_content campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, the first line of the text for your online Ad campaign. If you are using mad libs for your AdWords content, this field displays the keywords you provided for the mad libs keyword match. Otherwise the value is (not set)
Traffic Sources Social Network ga:socialNetwork DIMENSION STRING Name of the social network. This can be related to the referring social network for traffic sources, or to the social network for social data hub activities. E.g. Google+, Blogger, etc.
Traffic Sources Social Source Referral ga:hasSocialSourceReferral DIMENSION STRING Indicates sessions that arrived to the property from a social source. The possible values are Yes or No where the first letter is capitalized.
Traffic Sources Organic Searches ga:organicSearches METRIC INTEGER The number of organic searches that happened within a session. This metric is search engine agnostic.
Adwords Ad Group ga:adGroup DIMENSION STRING true The name of your AdWords ad group.
Adwords Ad Slot ga:adSlot DIMENSION STRING true The location of the advertisement on the hosting page (Top, RHS, or not set).
Adwords Ad Slot Position ga:adSlotPosition DIMENSION STRING true The ad slot positions in which your AdWords ads appeared (1-8).
Adwords Ad Distribution Network ga:adDistributionNetwork DIMENSION STRING The networks used to deliver your ads (Content, Search, Search partners, etc.).
Adwords Query Match Type ga:adMatchType DIMENSION STRING The match types applied for the search term the user had input(Phrase, Exact, Broad, etc.). Ads on the content network are identified as "Content network". Details: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2472708?hl=en
Adwords Keyword Match Type ga:adKeywordMatchType DIMENSION STRING The match types applied to your keywords (Phrase, Exact, Broad). Details: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2472708?hl=en
Adwords Matched Search Query ga:adMatchedQuery DIMENSION STRING The search queries that triggered impressions of your AdWords ads.
Adwords Placement Domain ga:adPlacementDomain DIMENSION STRING The domains where your ads on the content network were placed.
Adwords Placement URL ga:adPlacementUrl DIMENSION STRING The URLs where your ads on the content network were placed.
Adwords Ad Format ga:adFormat DIMENSION STRING Your AdWords ad formats (Text, Image, Flash, Video, etc.).
Adwords Targeting Type ga:adTargetingType DIMENSION STRING How your AdWords ads were targeted (keyword, placement, and vertical targeting, etc.).
Adwords Placement Type ga:adTargetingOption DIMENSION STRING How you manage your ads on the content network. Values are Automatic placements or Managed placements.
Adwords Display URL ga:adDisplayUrl DIMENSION STRING The URLs your AdWords ads displayed.
Adwords Destination URL ga:adDestinationUrl DIMENSION STRING The URLs to which your AdWords ads referred traffic.
Adwords AdWords Customer ID ga:adwordsCustomerID DIMENSION STRING A string. Corresponds to AdWords API AccountInfo.customerId.
Adwords AdWords Campaign ID ga:adwordsCampaignID DIMENSION STRING A string. Corresponds to AdWords API Campaign.id.
Adwords AdWords Ad Group ID ga:adwordsAdGroupID DIMENSION STRING A string. Corresponds to AdWords API AdGroup.id.
Adwords AdWords Creative ID ga:adwordsCreativeID DIMENSION STRING A string. Corresponds to AdWords API Ad.id.
Adwords AdWords Criteria ID ga:adwordsCriteriaID DIMENSION STRING A string. Corresponds to AdWords API Criterion.id.
Adwords Impressions ga:impressions METRIC INTEGER Total number of campaign impressions.
Adwords Clicks ga:adClicks METRIC INTEGER The total number of times users have clicked on an ad to reach your property.
Adwords Cost ga:adCost METRIC CURRENCY Derived cost for the advertising campaign. The currency for this value is based on the currency that you set in your AdWords account.
Adwords CPM ga:CPM METRIC CURRENCY ga:adCost / (ga:impressions / 1000) Cost per thousand impressions.
Adwords CPC ga:CPC METRIC CURRENCY ga:adCost / ga:adClicks Cost to advertiser per click.
Adwords CTR ga:CTR METRIC PERCENT ga:adClicks / ga:impressions Click-through-rate for your ad. This is equal to the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions for your ad (e.g. how many times users clicked on one of your ads where that ad appeared).
Adwords Cost per Transaction ga:costPerTransaction METRIC CURRENCY (ga:adCost) / (ga:transactions) The cost per transaction for your property.
Adwords Cost per Goal Conversion ga:costPerGoalConversion METRIC CURRENCY (ga:adCost) / (ga:goalCompletionsAll) The cost per goal conversion for your property.
Adwords Cost per Conversion ga:costPerConversion METRIC CURRENCY (ga:adCost) / (ga:transactions + ga:goalCompletionsAll) The cost per conversion (including ecommerce and goal conversions) for your property.
Adwords RPC ga:RPC METRIC CURRENCY (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:adClicks RPC or revenue-per-click is the average revenue (from ecommerce sales and/or goal value) you received for each click on one of your search ads.
Adwords ROI ga:ROI METRIC PERCENT (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll - ga:adCost) / ga:adCost Returns on Investment is overall transaction profit divided by derived advertising cost.
Adwords Margin ga:margin METRIC PERCENT (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll - ga:adCost) / (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) The overall transaction profit margin.
Goal Conversions Goal Completion Location ga:goalCompletionLocation DIMENSION STRING The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal completion.
Goal Conversions Goal Previous Step - 1 ga:goalPreviousStep1 DIMENSION STRING The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, one step prior to the goal completion location.
Goal Conversions Goal Previous Step - 2 ga:goalPreviousStep2 DIMENSION STRING The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, two steps prior to the goal completion location.
Goal Conversions Goal Previous Step - 3 ga:goalPreviousStep3 DIMENSION STRING The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, three steps prior to the goal completion location.
Goal Conversions Goal 1 Starts ga:goalXXStarts METRIC INTEGER true The total number of starts for the requested goal number.
Goal Conversions Goal Starts ga:goalStartsAll METRIC INTEGER true The total number of starts for all goals defined for your profile.
Goal Conversions Goal 1 Completions ga:goalXXCompletions METRIC INTEGER true The total number of completions for the requested goal number.
Goal Conversions Goal Completions ga:goalCompletionsAll METRIC INTEGER true The total number of completions for all goals defined for your profile.
Goal Conversions Goal 1 Value ga:goalXXValue METRIC CURRENCY true The total numeric value for the requested goal number.
Goal Conversions Goal Value ga:goalValueAll METRIC CURRENCY true The total numeric value for all goals defined for your profile.
Goal Conversions Per Session Goal Value ga:goalValuePerSession METRIC CURRENCY ga:goalValueAll / ga:sessions The average goal value of a session on your property.
Goal Conversions Goal 1 Conversion Rate ga:goalXXConversionRate METRIC PERCENT ga:goalXXCompletions / ga:sessions The percentage of sessions which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number.
Goal Conversions Goal Conversion Rate ga:goalConversionRateAll METRIC PERCENT ga:goalCompletionsAll / ga:sessions The percentage of sessions which resulted in a conversion to at least one of your goals.
Goal Conversions Goal 1 Abandoned Funnels ga:goalXXAbandons METRIC INTEGER (ga:goalXXStarts - ga:goalXXCompletions) The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it.
Goal Conversions Abandoned Funnels ga:goalAbandonsAll METRIC INTEGER (ga:goalStartsAll - ga:goalCompletionsAll) The overall number of times users started goals without actually completing them.
Goal Conversions Goal 1 Abandonment Rate ga:goalXXAbandonRate METRIC PERCENT ((ga:goalXXStarts - ga:goalXXCompletions)) / (ga:goalXXStarts) The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned.
Goal Conversions Total Abandonment Rate ga:goalAbandonRateAll METRIC PERCENT ((ga:goalStartsAll - ga:goalCompletionsAll)) / (ga:goalStartsAll) The rate at which goals were abandoned.
Platform or Device Browser ga:browser DIMENSION STRING true The names of browsers used by users to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Platform or Device Browser Version ga:browserVersion DIMENSION STRING true The browser versions used by users to your website. For example,
Platform or Device Operating System ga:operatingSystem DIMENSION STRING true The operating system used by your users. For example, Windows, Linux , Macintosh, iPhone, iPod.
Platform or Device Operating System Version ga:operatingSystemVersion DIMENSION STRING true The version of the operating system used by your users, such as XP for Windows or PPC for Macintosh.
Platform or Device Mobile Device Branding ga:mobileDeviceBranding DIMENSION STRING true Mobile manufacturer or branded name.
Platform or Device Mobile Device Model ga:mobileDeviceModel DIMENSION STRING true Mobile device model
Platform or Device Mobile Input Selector ga:mobileInputSelector DIMENSION STRING true Selector used on the mobile device (e.g.: touchscreen, joystick, clickwheel, stylus).
Platform or Device Mobile Device Info ga:mobileDeviceInfo DIMENSION STRING true The branding, model, and marketing name used to identify the mobile device.
Platform or Device Mobile Device Marketing Name ga:mobileDeviceMarketingName DIMENSION STRING true The marketing name used for the mobile device.
Platform or Device Device Category ga:deviceCategory DIMENSION STRING true The type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile.
Geo Network Continent ga:continent DIMENSION STRING true The continents of property users, derived from IP addresses.
Geo Network Sub Continent Region ga:subContinent DIMENSION STRING true The sub-continent of users, derived from IP addresses. For example, Polynesia or Northern Europe.
Geo Network Country / Territory ga:country DIMENSION STRING true The country of users, derived from IP addresses.
Geo Network Region ga:region DIMENSION STRING true The region of users to your property, derived from IP addresses. In the U.S., a region is a state, such as New York.
Geo Network Metro ga:metro DIMENSION STRING true The Designated Market Area (DMA) from where traffic arrived on your property.
Geo Network City ga:city DIMENSION STRING true The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses.
Geo Network Latitude ga:latitude DIMENSION STRING The approximate latitude of the user's city. Derived from IP address. Locations north of the equator are represented by positive values and locations south of the equator by negative values.
Geo Network Longitude ga:longitude DIMENSION STRING The approximate longitude of the user's city. Derived from IP address. Locations east of the meridian are represented by positive values and locations west of the meridian by negative values.
Geo Network Network Domain ga:networkDomain DIMENSION STRING true The domain name of the ISPs used by users to your property. This is derived from the domain name registered to the IP address.
Geo Network Service Provider ga:networkLocation DIMENSION STRING true The name of service providers used to reach your property. For example, if most users to your website come via the major service providers for cable internet, you will see the names of those cable service providers in this element.
System Flash Version ga:flashVersion DIMENSION STRING true The versions of Flash supported by users' browsers, including minor versions.
System Java Support ga:javaEnabled DIMENSION STRING true Indicates Java support for users' browsers. The possible values are Yes or No where the first letter must be capitalized.
System Language ga:language DIMENSION STRING true The language provided by the HTTP Request for the browser. Values are given as an ISO-639 code (e.g. en-gb for British English).
System Screen Colors ga:screenColors DIMENSION STRING true The color depth of users' monitors, as retrieved from the DOM of the user's browser. For example 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, or undefined-bit.
System Source Property Tracking ID ga:sourcePropertyId DIMENSION STRING true Source property ID of derived properties. This is valid only for derived properties.
System Source Property Display Name ga:sourcePropertyName DIMENSION STRING true Source property name of derived properties. This is valid only for derived properties.
System Screen Resolution ga:screenResolution DIMENSION STRING true The screen resolution of users' screens. For example: 1024x738.
Social Activities Endorsing URL ga:socialActivityEndorsingUrl DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the URL of the social activity (e.g. the Google+ post URL, the blog comment URL, etc.)
Social Activities Display Name ga:socialActivityDisplayName DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the title of the social activity posted by the social network user.
Social Activities Social Activity Post ga:socialActivityPost DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the content of the social activity posted by the social network user (e.g. The message content of a Google+ post)
Social Activities Social Activity Timestamp ga:socialActivityTimestamp DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents when the social activity occurred on the social network.
Social Activities Social User Handle ga:socialActivityUserHandle DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the social network handle (e.g. name or ID) of the user who initiated the social activity.
Social Activities User Photo URL ga:socialActivityUserPhotoUrl DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the URL of the photo associated with the user's social network profile.
Social Activities User Profile URL ga:socialActivityUserProfileUrl DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the URL of the associated user's social network profile.
Social Activities Shared URL ga:socialActivityContentUrl DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the URL shared by the associated social network user.
Social Activities Social Tags Summary ga:socialActivityTagsSummary DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this is a comma-separated set of tags associated with the social activity.
Social Activities Originating Social Action ga:socialActivityAction DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the type of social action associated with the activity (e.g. vote, comment, +1, etc.).
Social Activities Social Network and Action ga:socialActivityNetworkAction DIMENSION STRING For a social data hub activity, this value represents the type of social action and the social network where the activity originated.
Social Activities Data Hub Activities ga:socialActivities METRIC INTEGER The count of activities where a content URL was shared / mentioned on a social data hub partner network.
Page Tracking Hostname ga:hostname DIMENSION STRING true The hostname from which the tracking request was made.
Page Tracking Page ga:pagePath DIMENSION STRING true A page on your website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use in conjunction with hostname to get the full URL of the page.
Page Tracking Page path level 1 ga:pagePathLevel1 DIMENSION STRING This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the first hierarchical level in pagePath.
Page Tracking Page path level 2 ga:pagePathLevel2 DIMENSION STRING This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the second hierarchical level in pagePath.
Page Tracking Page path level 3 ga:pagePathLevel3 DIMENSION STRING This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the third hierarchical level in pagePath.
Page Tracking Page path level 4 ga:pagePathLevel4 DIMENSION STRING This dimension rolls up all the page paths into hierarchical levels. Up to 4 pagePath levels maybe specified. All additional levels in the pagePath hierarchy are also rolled up in this dimension.
Page Tracking Page Title ga:pageTitle DIMENSION STRING true The title of a page. Keep in mind that multiple pages might have the same page title.
Page Tracking Landing Page ga:landingPagePath DIMENSION STRING true The first page in a user's session, or landing page.
Page Tracking Second Page ga:secondPagePath DIMENSION STRING The second page in a user's session.
Page Tracking Exit Page ga:exitPagePath DIMENSION STRING true The last page in a user's session, or exit page.
Page Tracking Previous Page Path ga:previousPagePath DIMENSION STRING A page on your property that was visited before another page on the same property. Typically used with the pagePath dimension.
Page Tracking Next Page Path ga:nextPagePath DIMENSION STRING A page on your website that was visited after another page on your website. Typically used with the previousPagePath dimension.
Page Tracking Page Depth ga:pageDepth DIMENSION STRING true The number of pages visited by users during a session. The value is a histogram that counts pageviews across a range of possible values. In this calculation, all sessions will have at least one pageview, and some percentage of sessions will have more.
Page Tracking Page Value ga:pageValue METRIC CURRENCY The average value of this page or set of pages. Page Value is (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:uniquePageviews (for the page or set of pages).
Page Tracking Entrances ga:entrances METRIC INTEGER true The number of entrances to your property measured as the first pageview in a session. Typically used with landingPagePath
Page Tracking Entrances / Pageviews ga:entranceRate METRIC PERCENT ga:entrances / ga:pageviews The percentage of pageviews in which this page was the entrance.
Page Tracking Pageviews ga:pageviews METRIC INTEGER true The total number of pageviews for your property.
Page Tracking Pages / Session ga:pageviewsPerSession METRIC FLOAT ga:pageviews / ga:sessions The average number of pages viewed during a session on your property. Repeated views of a single page are counted.
Page Tracking Unique Pageviews ga:uniquePageviews METRIC INTEGER true The number of different (unique) pages within a session. This takes into both the pagePath and pageTitle to determine uniqueness.
Page Tracking Time on Page ga:timeOnPage METRIC TIME true How long a user spent on a particular page in seconds. Calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. Thus, this metric does not apply to exit pages for your property.
Page Tracking Avg. Time on Page ga:avgTimeOnPage METRIC TIME ga:timeOnPage / (ga:pageviews - ga:exits) The average amount of time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages.
Page Tracking Exits ga:exits METRIC INTEGER true The number of exits from your property.
Page Tracking  % Exit ga:exitRate METRIC PERCENT ga:exits / (ga:pageviews + ga:screenviews) The percentage of exits from your property that occurred out of the total page views.
Internal Search Site Search Status ga:searchUsed DIMENSION STRING true A boolean to distinguish whether internal search was used in a session. Values are Visits With Site Search and Visits Without Site Search.
Internal Search Search Term ga:searchKeyword DIMENSION STRING true Search terms used by users within your property.
Internal Search Refined Keyword ga:searchKeywordRefinement DIMENSION STRING true Subsequent keyword search terms or strings entered by users after a given initial string search.
Internal Search Site Search Category ga:searchCategory DIMENSION STRING true The categories used for the internal search if you have this enabled for your profile. For example, you might have product categories such as electronics, furniture, or clothing.
Internal Search Start Page ga:searchStartPage DIMENSION STRING A page where the user initiated an internal search on your property.
Internal Search Destination Page ga:searchDestinationPage DIMENSION STRING A page that the user visited after performing an internal search on your property.
Internal Search Results Pageviews ga:searchResultViews METRIC INTEGER The number of times a search result page was viewed after performing a search.
Internal Search Total Unique Searches ga:searchUniques METRIC INTEGER true The total number of unique keywords from internal searches within a session. For example if "shoes" was searched for 3 times in a session, it will be only counted once.
Internal Search Results Pageviews / Search ga:avgSearchResultViews METRIC FLOAT ga:searchResultViews / ga:searchUniques The average number of times people viewed a search results page after performing a search.
Internal Search Sessions with Search ga:searchSessions METRIC INTEGER true The total number of sessions that included an internal search
Internal Search  % Sessions with Search ga:percentSessionsWithSearch METRIC PERCENT ga:searchSessions / ga:sessions The percentage of sessions with search.
Internal Search Search Depth ga:searchDepth METRIC INTEGER true The average number of subsequent page views made on your property after a use of your internal search feature.
Internal Search Search Depth ga:avgSearchDepth METRIC FLOAT ga:searchDepth / ga:searchUniques The average number of pages people viewed after performing a search on your property.
Internal Search Search Refinements ga:searchRefinements METRIC INTEGER true The total number of times a refinement (transition) occurs between internal search keywords within a session. For example if the sequence of keywords is: "shoes", "shoes", "pants", "pants", this metric will be one because the transition between "shoes" and "pants" is different.
Internal Search  % Search Refinements ga:percentSearchRefinements METRIC PERCENT ga:searchRefinements / ga:searchResultViews The percentage of number of times a refinement (i.e., transition) occurs between internal search keywords within a session.
Internal Search Time after Search ga:searchDuration METRIC TIME true The session duration on your property where a use of your internal search feature occurred.
Internal Search Time after Search ga:avgSearchDuration METRIC TIME ga:searchDuration / ga:searchUniques The average amount of time people spent on your property after searching.
Internal Search Search Exits ga:searchExits METRIC INTEGER true The number of exits on your site that occurred following a search result from your internal search feature.
Internal Search  % Search Exits ga:searchExitRate METRIC PERCENT ga:searchExits / ga:searchUniques The percentage of searches that resulted in an immediate exit from your property.
Internal Search Site Search Goal 1 Conversion Rate ga:searchGoalXXConversionRate METRIC PERCENT ga:goalXXCompletions / ga:searchUniques The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number.
Internal Search Site Search Goal Conversion Rate ga:searchGoalConversionRateAll METRIC PERCENT ga:goalCompletionsAll / ga:searchUniques The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to at least one of your goals.
Internal Search Per Search Goal Value ga:goalValueAllPerSearch METRIC CURRENCY ga:goalValueAll / ga:searchUniques The average goal value of a search on your property.
Site Speed Page Load Time (ms) ga:pageLoadTime METRIC INTEGER Total Page Load Time is the amount of time (in milliseconds) it takes for pages from the sample set to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g. click on a page link) to load completion in the browser.
Site Speed Page Load Sample ga:pageLoadSample METRIC INTEGER The sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the average page load time.
Site Speed Avg. Page Load Time (sec) ga:avgPageLoadTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:pageLoadTime / ga:pageLoadSample / 1000) The average amount of time (in seconds) it takes for pages from the sample set to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g. click on a page link) to load completion in the browser.
Site Speed Domain Lookup Time (ms) ga:domainLookupTime METRIC INTEGER The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page among all samples.
Site Speed Avg. Domain Lookup Time (sec) ga:avgDomainLookupTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:domainLookupTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000) The average amount of time (in seconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page.
Site Speed Page Download Time (ms) ga:pageDownloadTime METRIC INTEGER The total amount of time (in milliseconds) to download this page among all samples.
Site Speed Avg. Page Download Time (sec) ga:avgPageDownloadTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:pageDownloadTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000) The average amount of time (in seconds) to download this page.
Site Speed Redirection Time (ms) ga:redirectionTime METRIC INTEGER The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in redirects before fetching this page among all samples. If there are no redirects, the value for this metric is expected to be 0.
Site Speed Avg. Redirection Time (sec) ga:avgRedirectionTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:redirectionTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000) The average amount of time (in seconds) spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, the value for this metric is expected to be 0.
Site Speed Server Connection Time (ms) ga:serverConnectionTime METRIC INTEGER The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in establishing TCP connection for this page among all samples.
Site Speed Avg. Server Connection Time (sec) ga:avgServerConnectionTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:serverConnectionTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000) The average amount of time (in seconds) spent in establishing TCP connection for this page.
Site Speed Server Response Time (ms) ga:serverResponseTime METRIC INTEGER The total amount of time (in milliseconds) your server takes to respond to a user request among all samples, including the network time from user's location to your server.
Site Speed Avg. Server Response Time (sec) ga:avgServerResponseTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:serverResponseTime / ga:speedMetricsSample / 1000) The average amount of time (in seconds) your server takes to respond to a user request, including the network time from user's location to your server.
Site Speed Speed Metrics Sample ga:speedMetricsSample METRIC INTEGER The sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages for site speed metrics. This metric is used in all site speed average calculations including avgDomainLookupTime, avgPageDownloadTime, avgRedirectionTime, avgServerConnectionTime, and avgServerResponseTime.
Site Speed Document Interactive Time (ms) ga:domInteractiveTime METRIC INTEGER The time the browser takes (in milliseconds) to parse the document (DOMInteractive), including the network time from the user's location to your server. At this time, the user can interact with the Document Object Model even though it is not fully loaded.
Site Speed Avg. Document Interactive Time (sec) ga:avgDomInteractiveTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:domInteractiveTime / ga:domLatencyMetricsSample / 1000) The average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts including the network time from the user's location to your server.
Site Speed Document Content Loaded Time (ms) ga:domContentLoadedTime METRIC INTEGER The time the browser takes (in milliseconds) to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts (DOMContentLoaded), including the network time from the user's location to your server. Parsing of the document is finished, the Document Object Model is ready, but referenced style sheets, images, and subframes may not be finished loading. This event is often the starting point for javascript framework execution, e.g., JQuery's onready() callback, etc.
Site Speed Avg. Document Content Loaded Time (sec) ga:avgDomContentLoadedTime METRIC FLOAT (ga:domContentLoadedTime / ga:domLatencyMetricsSample / 1000) The average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to parse the document.
Site Speed DOM Latency Metrics Sample ga:domLatencyMetricsSample METRIC INTEGER The sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages for site speed DOM metrics. This metric is used in the avgDomContentLoadedTime and avgDomInteractiveTime calculations.
App Tracking App Installer ID ga:appInstallerId DIMENSION STRING true ID of the installer (e.g., Google Play Store) from which the app was downloaded. By default, the app installer id is set based on the PackageManager#getInstallerPackageName method.
App Tracking App Version ga:appVersion DIMENSION STRING true The version of the application.
App Tracking App Name ga:appName DIMENSION STRING true The name of the application.
App Tracking App ID ga:appId DIMENSION STRING true The ID of the application.
App Tracking Screen Name ga:screenName DIMENSION STRING true The name of the screen.
App Tracking Screen Depth ga:screenDepth DIMENSION STRING true The number of screenviews per session reported as a string. Can be useful for historgrams.
App Tracking Landing Screen ga:landingScreenName DIMENSION STRING true The name of the first screen viewed.
App Tracking Exit Screen ga:exitScreenName DIMENSION STRING true The name of the screen when the user exited the application.
App Tracking Screen Views ga:screenviews METRIC INTEGER true The total number of screenviews.
App Tracking Unique Screen Views ga:uniqueScreenviews METRIC INTEGER true The number of different (unique) screenviews within a session.
App Tracking Screens / Session ga:screenviewsPerSession METRIC FLOAT ga:screenviews / ga:sessions The average number of screenviews per session.
App Tracking Time on Screen ga:timeOnScreen METRIC TIME true The time spent viewing the current screen.
App Tracking Avg. Time on Screen ga:avgScreenviewDuration METRIC TIME The average amount of time users spent on a screen in seconds.
Event Tracking Event Category ga:eventCategory DIMENSION STRING true The category of the event.
Event Tracking Event Action ga:eventAction DIMENSION STRING true The action of the event.
Event Tracking Event Label ga:eventLabel DIMENSION STRING true The label of the event.
Event Tracking Total Events ga:totalEvents METRIC INTEGER true The total number of events for the profile, across all categories.
Event Tracking Unique Events ga:uniqueEvents METRIC INTEGER The total number of unique events for the profile, across all categories.
Event Tracking Event Value ga:eventValue METRIC INTEGER true The total value of events for the profile.
Event Tracking Avg. Value ga:avgEventValue METRIC FLOAT ga:eventValue / ga:totalEvents The average value of an event.
Event Tracking Sessions with Event ga:sessionsWithEvent METRIC INTEGER true The total number of sessions with events.
Event Tracking Events / Session ga:eventsPerSessionWithEvent METRIC FLOAT ga:totalEvents / ga:sessionsWithEvent The average number of events per session with event.
Ecommerce Transaction ga:transactionId DIMENSION STRING The transaction ID for the shopping cart purchase as supplied by your ecommerce tracking method.
Ecommerce Affiliation ga:affiliation DIMENSION STRING true Typically used to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar location; product affiliation.
Ecommerce Sessions to Transaction ga:sessionsToTransaction DIMENSION STRING true The number of sessions between users' purchases and the related campaigns that lead to the purchases.
Ecommerce Days to Transaction ga:daysToTransaction DIMENSION STRING true The number of days between users' purchases and the related campaigns that lead to the purchases.
Ecommerce Product SKU ga:productSku DIMENSION STRING true The product sku for purchased items as you have defined them in your ecommerce tracking application.
Ecommerce Product ga:productName DIMENSION STRING true The product name for purchased items as supplied by your ecommerce tracking application.
Ecommerce Product Category ga:productCategory DIMENSION STRING true Any product variations (size, color) for purchased items as supplied by your ecommerce application.
Ecommerce Currency Code ga:currencyCode DIMENSION STRING The local currency code of the transaction based on ISO 4217 standard.
Ecommerce Transactions ga:transactions METRIC INTEGER true The total number of transactions.
Ecommerce Ecommerce Conversion Rate ga:transactionsPerSession METRIC PERCENT ga:transactions / ga:sessions The average number of transactions for a session on your property.
Ecommerce Revenue ga:transactionRevenue METRIC CURRENCY true The total sale revenue provided in the transaction excluding shipping and tax.
Ecommerce Average Order Value ga:revenuePerTransaction METRIC CURRENCY ga:transactionRevenue / ga:transactions The average revenue for an e-commerce transaction.
Ecommerce Per Session Value ga:transactionRevenuePerSession METRIC CURRENCY ga:transactionRevenue / ga:sessions Average transaction revenue for a session on your property.
Ecommerce Shipping ga:transactionShipping METRIC CURRENCY true The total cost of shipping.
Ecommerce Tax ga:transactionTax METRIC CURRENCY true The total amount of tax.
Ecommerce Total Value ga:totalValue METRIC CURRENCY (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) Total value for your property (including total revenue and total goal value).
Ecommerce Quantity ga:itemQuantity METRIC INTEGER true The total number of items purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls, 7 items have been purchased.
Ecommerce Unique Purchases ga:uniquePurchases METRIC INTEGER true The number of product sets purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls from your site, 2 unique products have been purchased.
Ecommerce Average Price ga:revenuePerItem METRIC CURRENCY ga:itemRevenue / ga:itemQuantity The average revenue per item.
Ecommerce Product Revenue ga:itemRevenue METRIC CURRENCY true The total revenue from purchased product items on your property.
Ecommerce Average QTY ga:itemsPerPurchase METRIC FLOAT ga:itemQuantity / ga:uniquePurchases The average quantity of this item (or group of items) sold per purchase.
Ecommerce Local Revenue ga:localTransactionRevenue METRIC CURRENCY Transaction revenue in local currency.
Ecommerce Local Shipping ga:localTransactionShipping METRIC CURRENCY Transaction shipping cost in local currency.
Ecommerce Local Tax ga:localTransactionTax METRIC CURRENCY Transaction tax in local currency.
Ecommerce Local Product Revenue ga:localItemRevenue METRIC CURRENCY true Product revenue in local currency.
Social Interactions Social Source ga:socialInteractionNetwork DIMENSION STRING For social interactions, a value representing the social network being tracked.
Social Interactions Social Action ga:socialInteractionAction DIMENSION STRING For social interactions, a value representing the social action being tracked (e.g. +1, bookmark)
Social Interactions Social Source and Action ga:socialInteractionNetworkAction DIMENSION STRING For social interactions, a value representing the concatenation of the socialInteractionNetwork and socialInteractionAction action being tracked at this hit level (e.g. Google: +1)
Social Interactions Social Entity ga:socialInteractionTarget DIMENSION STRING For social interactions, a value representing the URL (or resource) which receives the social network action.
Social Interactions Social Type ga:socialEngagementType DIMENSION STRING Engagement type. Possible values are "Socially Engaged" or "Not Socially Engaged".
Social Interactions Social Actions ga:socialInteractions METRIC INTEGER The total number of social interactions on your property.
Social Interactions Unique Social Actions ga:uniqueSocialInteractions METRIC INTEGER The number of sessions during which the specified social action(s) occurred at least once. This is based on the the unique combination of socialInteractionNetwork, socialInteractionAction, and socialInteractionTarget.
Social Interactions Actions Per Social Session ga:socialInteractionsPerSession METRIC FLOAT ga:socialInteractions / ga:uniqueSocialInteractions The number of social interactions per session on your property.
User Timings Timing Category ga:userTimingCategory DIMENSION STRING true A string for categorizing all user timing variables into logical groups for easier reporting purposes.
User Timings Timing Label ga:userTimingLabel DIMENSION STRING true The name of the resource's action being tracked.
User Timings Timing Variable ga:userTimingVariable DIMENSION STRING true A value that can be used to add flexibility in visualizing user timings in the reports.
User Timings User Timing (ms) ga:userTimingValue METRIC INTEGER The total number of milliseconds for a user timing.
User Timings User Timing Sample ga:userTimingSample METRIC INTEGER The number of hits that were sent for a particular userTimingCategory, userTimingLabel, and userTimingVariable.
User Timings Avg. User Timing (sec) ga:avgUserTimingValue METRIC FLOAT (ga:userTimingValue / ga:userTimingSample / 1000) The average amount of elapsed time.
Exceptions Exception Description ga:exceptionDescription DIMENSION STRING true The description for the exception.
Exceptions Exceptions ga:exceptions METRIC INTEGER true The number of exceptions that were sent to Google Analytics.
Exceptions Exceptions / Screen ga:exceptionsPerScreenview METRIC PERCENT ga:exceptions / ga:screenviews The number of exceptions thrown divided by the number of screenviews.
Exceptions Crashes ga:fatalExceptions METRIC INTEGER true The number of exceptions where isFatal is set to true.
Exceptions Crashes / Screen ga:fatalExceptionsPerScreenview METRIC PERCENT ga:fatalExceptions / ga:screenviews The number of fatal exceptions thrown divided by the number of screenviews.
Content Experiments Experiment ID ga:experimentId DIMENSION STRING true The user-scoped id of the content experiment that the user was exposed to when the metrics were reported.
Content Experiments Variation ga:experimentVariant DIMENSION STRING true The user-scoped id of the particular variation that the user was exposed to during a content experiment.
Custom Variables or Columns Custom Dimension ga:dimensionXX DIMENSION STRING true The name of the requested custom dimension, where XX refers the number/index of the custom dimension.
Custom Variables or Columns Custom Variable (Key 1) ga:customVarNameXX DIMENSION STRING true The name for the requested custom variable.
Custom Variables or Columns Custom Metric Value ga:metricXX METRIC INTEGER true The name of the requested custom metric, where XX refers the number/index of the custom metric.
Custom Variables or Columns Custom Variable (Value 01) ga:customVarValueXX DIMENSION STRING true The value for the requested custom variable.
Time Date ga:date DIMENSION STRING The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD.
Time Year ga:year DIMENSION STRING The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year.
Time Month of the year ga:month DIMENSION STRING The month of the session. A two digit integer from 01 to 12.
Time Week of the Year ga:week DIMENSION STRING The week of the session. A two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday.
Time Day of the month ga:day DIMENSION STRING The day of the month. A two-digit number from 01 to 31.
Time Hour ga:hour DIMENSION STRING true A two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time, adhering to all local rules for daylight savings time. If your timezone follows daylight savings time, there will be an apparent bump in the number of sessions during the change-over hour (e.g. between 1:00 and 2:00) for the day per year when that hour repeats. A corresponding hour with zero sessions will occur at the opposite changeover. (Google Analytics does not track user time more precisely than hours.)
Time Minute ga:minute DIMENSION STRING true Returns the minute in the hour. The possible values are between 00 and 59.
Time Month Index ga:nthMonth DIMENSION STRING Index for each month in the specified date range. Index for the first month in the date range is 0, 1 for the second month, and so on. The index corresponds to month entries.
Time Week Index ga:nthWeek DIMENSION STRING Index for each week in the specified date range. Index for the first week in the date range is 0, 1 for the second week, and so on. The index corresponds to week entries.
Time Day Index ga:nthDay DIMENSION STRING Index for each day in the specified date range. Index for the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, 1 for the second day, and so on.
Time Minute Index ga:nthMinute DIMENSION STRING Index for each minute in the specified date range. Index for the first minute of first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, 1 for the next minute, and so on.
Time Day of Week ga:dayOfWeek DIMENSION STRING The day of the week. A one-digit number from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
Time Day of Week Name ga:dayOfWeekName DIMENSION STRING The name of the day of the week (in English).
Time Hour of Day ga:dateHour DIMENSION STRING Combined values of ga:date and ga:hour.
Time Month of Year ga:yearMonth DIMENSION STRING Combined values of ga:year and ga:month.
Time Week of Year ga:yearWeek DIMENSION STRING Combined values of ga:year and ga:week.
Time ISO Week of the Year ga:isoWeek DIMENSION STRING The ISO week number, where each week starts with a Monday. Details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date. ga:isoWeek should only be used with ga:isoYear since ga:year represents gregorian calendar.
Time ISO Year ga:isoYear DIMENSION STRING The ISO year of the session. Details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date. ga:isoYear should only be used with ga:isoWeek since ga:week represents gregorian calendar.
Time ISO Week of ISO Year ga:isoYearIsoWeek DIMENSION STRING Combined values of ga:isoYear and ga:isoWeek.
Audience Age ga:userAgeBracket DIMENSION STRING true Age bracket of user.
Audience Gender ga:userGender DIMENSION STRING true Gender of user.
Audience Other Category ga:interestOtherCategory DIMENSION STRING true Indicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category, and more likely to be ready to purchase.
Audience Affinity Category (reach) ga:interestAffinityCategory DIMENSION STRING true Indicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category.
Audience In-market Segment ga:interestInMarketCategory DIMENSION STRING true Indicates that users are more likely to be ready to purchase products or services in the specified category.
Adsense AdSense Revenue ga:adsenseRevenue METRIC CURRENCY true The total revenue from AdSense ads.
Adsense AdSense Ad Units Viewed ga:adsenseAdUnitsViewed METRIC INTEGER true The number of AdSense ad units viewed. An Ad unit is a set of ads displayed as a result of one piece of the AdSense ad code. Details: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/32715?hl=en
Adsense AdSense Ads Viewed ga:adsenseAdsViewed METRIC INTEGER true The number of AdSense ads viewed. Multiple ads can be displayed within an Ad Unit.
Adsense AdSense Ads Clicked ga:adsenseAdsClicks METRIC INTEGER true The number of times AdSense ads on your site were clicked.
Adsense AdSense Page Impressions ga:adsensePageImpressions METRIC INTEGER true The number of pageviews during which an AdSense ad was displayed. A page impression can have multiple Ad Units.
Adsense AdSense CTR ga:adsenseCTR METRIC PERCENT ga:adsenseAdsClicks/ga:adsensePageImpressions The percentage of page impressions that resulted in a click on an AdSense ad.
Adsense AdSense eCPM ga:adsenseECPM METRIC CURRENCY ga:adsenseRevenue/(ga:adsensePageImpressions/1000) The estimated cost per thousand page impressions. It is your AdSense Revenue per 1000 page impressions.
Adsense AdSense Exits ga:adsenseExits METRIC INTEGER true The number of sessions that ended due to a user clicking on an AdSense ad.
Adwords TrueView Video Ad ga:isTrueViewVideoAd DIMENSION STRING 'Yes' or 'No' - Indicates whether the ad is an AdWords TrueView video ad.
Time Hour Index ga:nthHour DIMENSION STRING Index for each hour in the specified date range. Index for the first hour of first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, 1 for the next hour, and so on.